The mission of LexEcology is to inspire and empower the Lexington community to be life long environmental stewards and cultivate opportunities to educate while engaging students with the natural world.
LexEcologyMission Statement
LexEcology and the student driven Green Team spearhead “green initiatives”. They help care for the campus by gardening, running the trash sorting and trash -free lunch program, all while teaching students how to support eco-goals near to their hearts. The Green Team meets every first and third Tuesday of the month at lunch. All ages welcome!
Proudly, LexEcology and the Green Team were integral in getting plastic straws and “spork packets”
eliminated from our Los Gatos School District cafeterias. A true team effort and monumental success! In 2019 our Green Team leaders and student body wrote letters to legislators urging
them to vote YES on two assembly bills designed to reduce single-use plastic waste. Impressed with our students' civic engagement, Senator Jim Beall came to tour our school and see, first-hand, our LexEcology efforts!
LexEcology hosts two Beautification Days each year. Bring your kids and your garden tools for a fun half-day of sprucing up our school and spending quality time with Lex families. Planting, pruning, weeding, working in the Life Lab and more, all to keep our green spaces beautiful.
LexEcology also manages the USAgain collection bin in front of our school. Unwanted clothes and shoes can be collected in the bin to then be given a second life for people who cannot afford brand new clothes. This reduces CO2 emissions, saves landfill space, creates green sector jobs and makes $$ for our school.
Additionally, we work directly with Crayola USA in recycling markers in every classroom through the Crayola ColorCycle Program. The markers are collected and sent to a facility where they are converted to clean fuel.
With parent volunteer, Home and School Club and Green Team support, Lexington's garden has been transformed into a true Life Lab complete with a green house, compost bins, pollinator and vegetable gardens, native species garden and root view box. Life Lab maintenance is integrated into the curriculum with specific activities and lessons that apply to the IB Program of Inquiry and Core Curriculum Standards.