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Lex HSC Blog

Boots and Brews Spring Gala!!
What a night to remember! Thankyou to all the parents who helped make this happen and a special shout out to Ms Jessica O Connor for...

STEAM Night at Lex
We had so many kids participate and bring their scientific, creative , artistic side to the 2023 Lex Steam Night! From Paper airplanes ,...

Holi Hai Assembly!
What a fun way to introduce the kids to Indian festival Holi! We had an assembly with kids presenting about Holi and wearing Indian...

Valentine's Day'2023
Happy Valentine's Day from the Lex HSC and One Community LG. We had Lexi visit our school, and the kids were ecstatic! Thankyou to all...

Happy Lunar New Year
What a memorable way for the kids to remember this special festival with Professional Lion dancers, Hong Bao (red envelopes) and crafts...

Jolly Way to start Winter Break
'Tis the season to be Jolly! HSC wished everyone a happy Winter Break with Snow and Carols and Candy Canes. Wishing all the students and...

Dia De Los Muertos
What an amazing assembly to honor the dead with a colorful altar and beautiful dance per formances by the kids and professionals alike!...

Our First Diwali Assembly
We kicked off our first Diwali Assembly with a Sloka(chant), Kathak(Indian classical dance) and a presentation by kids from Lex. And had...

Movie Night
Movie Night was a huge success! Thanks to all the families who came and supported the 5th graders with their science camp fundraiser.

TK-K to 3rd Grade Music Concert
Can't get that thunder song out of my head now and the jungle song. So cute! Monday’s TK-3 concert was amazing (thank you Ms. George and...

Dugnad Day!
This is “dugnad”, a word which literally means help or support in Norwegian, a custom of communal work in Norway that dates back...

Lex Jog-A-Thon 2022: Run WILD!
Our Jog-a-thon was a huge success and so much fun! Thank you to all our parent volunteers for helping and to all our students who ran WILD!

18 Projects @ STEAM Night Whoa!
Lexington students who have been working hard on their projects the last few weeks presented on Wednesday, March 23. We had a...

Alice in Neverland Take 3!
We were so fortunate to be able to enjoy an in-person Lexington play this year! Thank you so much to all of the parent volunteers, cast,...

我爱你 Wǒ ài nǐ - Lex Multilingual Valentine's Day Card
Lex students made Valentine’s Day cards during lunch using different languages. How cute!

Gon Hei Fat Choi - Happy Lunar New Year!
Lex students celebrating Lunar New Year 2022!

Baby It's Cold Outside
I really can't stay Baby it's cold outside I gotta go winter break! Lex HSC winter send off woot!

Keep Reading! 20 mins/day - Lex Read-A-Thon
Reading is an amazing pass-time activity or can be a great tool for self-development. Whether you’re reading for entertainment purposes...

Scary Halloween Carnival
The kids paraded their amazing costumes! In the afternoon, Lex HSC hosted the Halloween carnival and kids had a scary time with the...
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